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9D Breathwork Experiences

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About Grace Mosgeller

Relationship Repair Specialist & 9D Breathwork Facilitator

I've been on the path of spiritual healing and transformation for over 27 years.  Along the way, I've evolved from being a high achieving empathic-brain centered powerhouse who secretly carried hidden feelings of being lost, powerless and frustrated.

 I always found that I had to settle for less than I truly desired.. . .until the day spiritual healing and transformation finally opened me to accept myself as LOVABLE.

My hero's journey has made me passionate about helping high achieving influential women step into their next levels of greatness using soul aligned spiritual principles of relationships, wealth and health. 

I believe that true wealth and abundance stems from a high vibration of certainty & belief that you are lovable as your true amazing and imperfect self. 

Once you believe you are lovable in your central nervous system, you allow yourself to BELIEVE that you are worthy and deserving of having EVERYTHING  you desire.

When you BELIEVE your are worthy and deserving, that is when you BECOME your greatness.  That is when your heart centered and soul aligned intentions, affirmations and strategic actions bring you the results you want. 

I've taken the wisdom of universal spiritual principles, several life mastery, energy healing & manifestation trainings and certifications along with the school of hard knocks helping myself and my clients to create simple, gentle and wildly effective methods of personal growth, soul evolution that deepens belief in yourself, your value and your power so you can step into your greatness and with authentic passion, and manifest real life change.

Your body already has all it needs
to regenerate and repair itself -
it's about time we tap into it!




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